Incorporating culinary components from five different international kitchens: China, Japan, India, Vietnam, and Thailand, Sutra’s exquisite menu is only part of what makes this unique dining experience special.
Upon entering, guests will truly transcend to a higher level that encompasses the senses. Sutra offers an inspiring, rich, visual culture, transforming this space into a majestic Asian temple.
Reservations are required for Teppanyaki tables.
Dinner: 6:00 p.m. – 10:30 p.m.
Dress code: casual
8275 S Eastern Ave, Ste 200
Las Vegas, NV, 89123
United States
(877) 702-5576 – US & Canada
01 800 269 13 18 or 01 998 287 30 70 – Mexico
+1 (702) 560-0669 – International
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