Ready for an adventure that will spice up your life and leave you feeling invigorated? Look no further! The Temptation Grand experience is taking over The Tower. These exclusive two-week events are designed exclusively for couples, featuring clothing optional areas, a private interactive play room, and a fiery atmosphere that will make your hearts race.
From September 21 to 27, and December 7 to 13, 2025, the Temptation Grand couples-only concept will be taking over The Tower by Temptation rooms and the SKY 3.5 rooftop bar, allowing Tower guests to live the clothing optional experience and more features exclusive to this event.
The clothing optional areas will be the play room, where couples will be able to live out new experiences in the company of other takeover guests, and the SKY 3.5 clothing optional jacuzzi lounge.
The SKY 3.5 clothing optional jacuzzi lounge will be open from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m., while the playtime room will be open from 10:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m.
Playroom etiquette:
Yes, you can enjoy threesomes (two women + one man) during the event. If you wish to arrange a trio stay, kindly make a reservation through our reservation agents. It is important to mention that additional beds are not permitted, so guests will be sharing the same bed.
Yes, having intercourse is allowed on the beds surrounding the pool. Please refrain from having intercourse inside the pool. The SKY 3.5 clothing optional lounge and the play room are the only spots where public intercourse is allowed, as it is not allowed in all other common areas of the resort.
Our entertainment program will keep taking place at the Sexy Pool and Bash; however, we will make sure to keep a stimulating atmosphere at SKY 3.5 and the playtime room.
No. Only guests with a room in The Tower can go enjoy those areas.
No, nudity is not allowed to be in the nude in any resort areas except for the jacuzzi lounge or the play room.
No. In order to respect guests’ privacy, it is strictly forbidden to take photos or video at the clothing optional areas.
The minimum stay for our Temptation Grand takeovers is 2 nights.
The Temptation Grand concept is focused on couples only; however, singles can stay at the other sections of the resort since the Temptation Grand takeover is limited to The Tower.
8275 S Eastern Ave, Ste 200
Las Vegas, NV, 89123
United States
(877) 702-5576 – US & Canada
01 800 269 13 18 or 01 998 287 30 70 – Mexico
+1 (702) 560-0669 – International
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All models, actors, actresses and other persons that appear in any visual depiction of actual or simulated sexual conduct appearing or otherwise contained in products and images of products at this website were over the age of eighteen (18) years at the time of the creation of such depictions.