Temptation Resort is Cancun’s Party Specialists! Whether you are seeking the perfect party, celebrating a recent divorce, or simply try something new and erotic during your stay, Temptation Cancun Resort’s signature experience packages are perfectly designed to take you to the next level of fun!
If you are ready to celebrate correcting an error with a celebration to end all celebrations, Temptation Resort Cancun offers a divorce party to help you celebrate the fact that you are free. This party is one that you and your friends will never forget, join us, you’ll see!
Bring your entire entourage for your last fling before the ring! Our bachelorette package offers everything you need for the perfect party, and remember, what happens at Temptation Resort stays at Temptation Resort Cancun. (min. 4 person)
A romantic, relaxing couple’s massage on the beach.
A signature service designed for the ultimate couple’s experience.
An intimate, romantic dinner for two, on the beach, under the mystifying, moonlit skies: 4- courses dinner on the beach, personalized waiter service, a bottle of Moet & Chandon.
Learn how to work the pole in a sexy & sensual way, one of every girl’s hidden fantasies!
Chocolate covered strawberries and Moet Champagne to celebrate any event or occasion you wish.
Decoration for the perfect BirthDay! Amenities for this special bash include:
8275 S Eastern Ave, Ste 200
Las Vegas, NV, 89123
United States
(877) 702-5576 – US & Canada
01 800 269 13 18 or 01 998 287 30 70 – Mexico
+1 (702) 560-0669 – International
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All models, actors, actresses and other persons that appear in any visual depiction of actual or simulated sexual conduct appearing or otherwise contained in products and images of products at this website were over the age of eighteen (18) years at the time of the creation of such depictions.