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Temptation Resort travel insurance

travel insurance

Travel Insurance is a very important topic. Many of us tend to tell ourselves “I won’t need it,” and save a few bucks. But in many cases, saving a few bucks is far from the truth. Even though you might feel confident with your own health, and closely watch the weather, simple issues can change the outcome drastically. Imagine you get to the airport or get a text… “Flight Canceled”. Seems like just a temporary upset that many travelers experience, but the airlines cancelled about 7000 flights in the last snow storm. You diligently checked the weather in the very warm Caribbean, but failed to check your home town, or an airline connection city for weather that might have caused your airplane to not show up in your city as expected. The airlines will not pay for you the lost one-two-three room nights you paid for! What if you made your reservation in January for a nice September trip and a hurricane appears in the news for the Caribbean heading for Florida the first week of September? Unscheduled sickness? Mom or Dad in the rest home take a turn for the worse?

Even though personal disasters and unexpected weather changes would make you think in your case, the resort will understand. Keep in mind these occurrences happen every month out of every year based on the number of couples that attend our resorts. The resort has a business to run, and can not act as your travel insurance company, because there are hundreds more people in equally important personal disasters. We generally fly three or four couples a year out of Mexico on emergency life flights. Most of these from heart attacks and extreme sports adventures.

Protect yourself and purchase at least a minimum policy to cover your investment. If you can’t make the trip for a heath or weather reason, we fill out a form for you and the insurance company sends you a check. It is generally very simple with proof. The upgraded versions of Travel Insurance may have “For Any Reason” coverage. This extended coverage was designed for business executives where last minute business situations prevent you from taking your vacation. Some people claim this is actually a write-off for securing their income. For any reason insurance will cover you for last minute sickness, another member of your family sick or dying, or the boss says you just can’t go and lose the deal.

We have two companies that offer Travel Insurance. Travel Safe has been around a long time and has program offerings that are trimmed down to cover the issues that generally cost travelers money, whereas Berkshire Hathaway, a renowned and respected insurance carrier offers some more comprehensive policies. Click on them both and investigate what these insurance companies are offering you before you make your decision. It does not cost you anything to get a quote on your trip. One note: When asked for the Traveler Name and trip cost, divide your total cost by two or you will be paying twice as much for your insurance as necessary.

Please call us if you have any questions. The insurance is billed directly from the insurance companies, but we probably have all of your answers.